Sunday, May 20, 2012

The Music For Piano / 0190

DOWNLOAD MP3            [ special edition ]            DOWNLOAD FLAC   PART1   PART2
[ special edition with stereo calibration / stereo evidenced ]
This is the sixth proposal for the comparative dedicated to Mozart's Piano Quartets.
This trio isn't of this planet :)


Fly said...

Nothing to do :) It's one of the strongest candidates to victory :) On the podium, it will be :)

theblueamos said...

Thank you very much Iremember it from the vinyl days

Iason said...

thank you

Márcia Paulo said...

Glorious blog. I really like the Mozart quartets. I'm delighted with it all.

kike said...

Dear Fly,

this quartet sounds really great. I don't know in technical aspect, but the recording is just great. So thank you for teaching me about Mozart.

kind regards, Kike.

sungirl said...

You are right Fly, they're not from this planet...exquisite!!...

Vladimír Ptáček said...

Your special issue (stereo calibration) is fantastic! I have the original and the stereo in your editing is much better. Bravo!

Anonymous said...

Fly, I've heard this recording many times but never with Pressler's piano so crystalline and the string balances so splendid...excellent job and many thanks!!!


Claudio said...

hell yeah this music is magnific
thank you fly!
a question..
I want to know if exist a piano version of mozart requiem.
chorus and piano or piano alone
thank you!

Anonymous said...


the stereo in your editing is much better.


w from asia...

François-André said...

I had this on vinyl and I have it on CD and mp3 (320CBR). It remains my favourite (but there are contenders!).

I am looking forward with great anticipation to hearing your 'special'. As with your others, I expect to like it even more than my original.

Thank you so much for your efforts. I think Mr Sassetti would have been pleased with this most recent effort of yours.

Fly said...

I honestly don't know. There should be but I've never tried these versions. I'm not much a defender of the transcriptions of works, but, let's say, I'm not fundamentalist in this area :)
If people like it, why not? :)

Anonymous said...

me pide password al intentar descomprimir los archivos flac
Por favor, cúal es

Fly said...

The password is written in a red square in a post just below (se the post below this one with the title 'Friend/Visitors/Amigos/Visitantes')