Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Chopin / Ingolf Wunder Plays Chopin / Ingolf Wunder

DOWNLOAD CD1   [ download both / 2 CD / download ambos ]   DOWNLOAD CD2


Anonymous said...

Thank you. Another wonderful recording. I understand that many thought Wunder should have won the Chopin competition.

Anonymous said...

Ah, we appreciate the Chopin bounty. Where do you find these unique recitals?

Thanks, Fly!


Fly said...

I think it would be equally unfair. The three - Yulianna Avdeev (Russia) Lukas Genius (Russia/Lithuania) and Ingolf Wunder (Austria) - deserved the first prize. It was also unfair that Anna Fedorova has left the competition so early.

Fly said...

Some CDs available on this blog are not for sale. Some are offered for promotion or review and other... fall from the sky! :))) Enjoy

Jaime Silva said...

Excelente blog! Vou-te seguir mais de perto! Bom Natal!

Fly said...

Ainda bem, porque eu já sigo o teu :) Abraço e bom Natal*