Sunday, March 4, 2012

Shura Cherkassky / The 1982 San Francisco Recital

DOWNLOAD MP3             [ special edition ]             DOWNLOAD FLAC   PART1   PART2

adjustment of the stereo, properly centered / without coughing and noise between tracks
no applause at the end of the tracks / without a glitch at the beginning of the track ten
acerto do stéreo, devidamente centrado / sem tosses e ruídos entre as faixas
sem aplausos no final das faixas / sem um pequeno defeito no início da faixa dez

1 comment:

UrsArc said...

You have just a great selection of beautiful piano music, both well known and unfamiliar artists (at least to me). I thank you so much. This could have been left in the comments of most of your postings, but I chose to write it under the posting of Mr. Cherkassky.

Thanks, again.